A lot of work by other people have allowed me to create such awesome tools for you to use here.
Streamer.bot is the work of Nate1280, it is a powerful stream automation tool. Avaliable for free at https://streamer.bot. It has many features and intregations, one of the main ones for me is the C# Compiler however don’t be alarmed you don’t need to be a coder or a tech whiz to use streamer.bot. Yes, it has a learning curve and a bigger learning curve than your usual bots but once your over that 1st hump you will be going 88mph making cool effects and taking you stream into the future.
Thank you to Nate for creating such an Awesome bot and you can support him here if you so wish.
Many Thanks
- Gradient Border on Copy Button Original Pen: https://codepen.io/jlengstorf/pen/WNPGMJo?editors=0100
- Gameboy Game Change Original Pen: https://codepen.io/mikemang/pen/QpWdLb
- Arch Timer Original Pen: https://codepen.io/nicolasjesenberger/pen/KKGJgWr
- Sonic 2 Original Codepen: https://codepen.io/EduardoLopes/pen/kxpazZ
- Star Wars Original Codepen : https://codepen.io/geoffgraham/pen/BpwqOE